Benefits Recipients To Receive Full Economic Impact Payment $500 per eligible child; The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) made special alert for numerous groups of federal benefit recipients including SSA, RRB recipients with eligible children to act by Wednesday to receive full Economic Impact Payment. According to the details, SSA and RRB recipients with eligible children need to act by Wednesday, April 22 to quickly add money to their automatic Economic Impact Payment. Furthermore, the IRS asks for help in the “Plus $500 Push” in this regard. Special alert for benefits recipients to receive full Economic Impact Payment with $500 per eligible child asks to act by this Wednesday even if they did not file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 and have dependents. The IRS assures them that this is the quick way for them to receive the full amount of their Economic Impact Payment.
Press Release
The Commissioner at Internal Revenue Service, Mr. Chuck Rettig, shared his thoughts on IRS Plus $500 Push to the Economic Impact Payments of SSA and RRB recipients and said,
We want to ‘Plus $500’ these recipients with children so they can get their maximum Economic Impact Payment of $1,200 plus $500 for each eligible child as quickly as possible. They’ll get $1,200 automatically, but they need to act quickly and register at to get the extra $500 per child added to their payment. These groups don’t normally have a return filing obligation and may not realize they qualify for a larger payment. We’re asking people and organizations throughout the country to share this information widely and help the IRS with the Plus $500 Push.
Special Alert for Benefits Recipients to Receive Full Economic Impact Payment with $500 per Eligible Child
The IRS will issue $1,200 Economic Impact Payment of several groups of federal benefit recipients very soon. The IRS further says that the recipients can also add the $500 per eligible child amount to these payments. In order to do so, the recipients are required to provide dependent information to the IRS before the payments are issued. Otherwise, at the time of Economic Impact Payment, they will only get $1,200. Moreover, the additional $500 per eligible child amount would be paid in association with a return filing for tax year 2020, as per the law.
This is the result of far-reaching work by the IRS as well as other U.S. government agencies that $1,200 automatic payments will soon be received by federal benefits recipients. Those will receive payments soon include Social Security retirement, survivor or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Veterans Affairs beneficiaries who did not file a tax return in the last two years i.e. 2018 and 2019. The IRS assures that individuals in these groups are not required to take any action as they will receive their $1,200 payment automatically. For benefits recipients to receive full Economic Impact Payment with $500 per eligible child is a remarkable relief by U.S. government.
IRS Special “Plus $500 Push” To Get Additional $500 per Dependent Child Payment
An additional step is required by those benefit recipients with children who are not required to file a tax return to quickly add $500 per eligible child onto their automatic payment of $1,200. The IRS provides a limited window to people in these groups who have a qualifying child and did not file a 2018 or 2019 tax return. Using the window, these people can get registered to receive automatically added $500 per eligible child to the $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. This can be done by using IRS Non-Filer Tool by noon Eastern Time, Wednesday, April 22, 2020.
How to Get $500 per Dependent Child Payment Along With $1,200 Economic Impact Payment?
If you belong to the group receiving Social Security retirement, survivor or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Veterans Administration benefits and have a child(ren) and not required to file a tax return in 2018 or 2019, visit the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool on Quickly provide the related information about yourself and your qualifying children and get $500 per dependent child payment automatically in addition to your $1,200 individual payment. All this is required to do before April 22, 2020. If you fail to do so within the deadline of Wednesday, April 22, then the additional $500 per eligible child amount would be paid in association with a return filing for tax year 2020. If you need any further assistance, Login now to talk to our representatives.
SSI And VA Recipients Have Slightly More Time to Add $500 to Automatic Payments
Although, the IRS assures benefits recipients to receive full Economic Impact Payment with $500 per eligible child, but for now only SSA/RRB recipients with children will get it. SSI and VA recipients have slightly more time to add $500 into their automatic payments. It means that SSI and VA recipients have some extra time beyond April 22, 2020 to add their children since their $1,200 automatic payments delivery date is not scheduled yet. Automatic payments of SSI recipients will be delivered in early May. The VA payment schedule for beneficiaries who receive Compensation and Pension (C&P) benefit payments is still in progress towards finalization.
So if you are a SSA or RRB recipients with eligible children, register yourself to the IRS Non-Filer tool to get additional $500 per dependent child along with $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. Stay connected with our New Section to get latest coronavirus relief efforts by U.S. government.